After the Victorian era, there was the Arts and Crafts movement in a rebuttal to the style. The Arts and Crafts design was based on going against the previous style of Victorian design. After comparing the Arts and Crafts design against the Victorian style, the difference is based on the minimalism of the Arts and Crafts style along with neutral colors and the use of more wood. To summarize what the Arts and Crafts movement is, there are the eight characteristics: completely handmade, wooden joints are visible, based on medieval/Gothic design, influenced by shaker furniture, predominate wood, simple-honest designs, very heavy furniture, and large exposed hinges. What I love specifically about this design movement is the architecture and all the characteristics involved in the Arts and Crafts movement.
The above image displays the architectural features of the Arts and Crafts design.
The above image was also displayed in the class powerpoint. It is a great example of how wood was used during this period and also how minimalist the designs were overall.
Above is an image that displays the Arts and Crafts movement with the sleek lines and rectangular shapes, if you notice the chairs, they're a significant part to this design era.

The above image is a great example of the Craftsman furniture design, with the exposed joint and hinges along with the wood used.
Above is a cabinet that displayed the great features of the Arts and Crafts design.
For this section I viewed Nicole and Flor's blogs. Nicole also discussed the characteristics of the Arts and Crafts design, she brought of the use of Japanese design which is a feature I did not discuss in my blog and I found it very interesting. Flor discussed the designs of William Morris and his influential designs to this era, I found that topic to be very interesting and helpful to explain the characteristics of the overall design.
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